31 March, 2008

Love. Hate.

Hating love, loving hate. Two starkly different feelings, ways of life, frames of mind. Both so powerful, so intoxicating. Is to hate love to love hate? If you love hate, you obviously don't hate love, because you're loving your hate.

Loving love, hating hate.

Becoming numb to all emotion. A living shell. No feelings. Living without life.

Hating love, loving hate.

Immerse yourself in an emotion, a feeling, an instinct. Look around. What do you feel? Light, dark, smooth, rough, warm, cold? Hear it. Smell it. Taste it. Imagine experiencing this forever, having no escape. No way to change, no going back. The past is gone, the future doesn't exist, and the present is overtaken with this emotion. Live this feeling until you truly feel you understand it.

Now let go. Take a step back and admire it from the outside. Yes, even the dark and coarse feelings are beautiful in their own right. Mysterious, ominous, oppressing. Feel the temptation of the power, the seeming invincibility. Turn away if you can. If not, be lost to the vast world of emotion. If you can turn away, change yourself.

Change yourself, change your views, change the world. Inspire such lucid views and frames of mind that you overflow with imagination. Be the catalyst of the revolution. Reform the idea of what it means to love, to hate, to feel, to live. Do not shun change, embrace it.

Put yourself in the other's place. Understand fully what it means to be individual. It can be a lonely solitary life at times, but it is necessary. Comprehending others in detail is a monumental task, and should not be taken lightly. If you can truly understand another's intellect, you have succeeded in conquering emotion.

Use emotion and feelings as compliments to logic, and not the other way around. Use both together, and employ the synergy in your life. Account for “gut instincts,” but do not follow them blindly. Step back and take a critical look at your feelings from the outside. If they coincide with your logic, combine the two to make your decision.

Be the catalyst, change yourself, and revolutionize the world in the process.

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